Aloe Vera Glitter Gel Base - Reviews

Aloe Vera Glitter Gel Base

average rating 100%
So easy to use! 01/25/2024
By Katie Gruntz
Mix with your favorite Pixie Paint dry glitter at a ratio of 4:1 Gel base:glitter, scoop into sample pods and Presto you are the friend favorite with party favors and gifts for everyone!
average rating 100%
gel base 05/10/2020
By Lisa Cole
Love this gel base. It is very easy to work with and rehydrates chunky glitter and pixie paint.
ABAAloeGel.JPG Aloe Vera Glitter Gel Base

The 1/2oz Bottle is an ldpe squeeze bottle with a capped spout tip.

The 4oz Bottle is a ldpe squeeze bottle with a capped spout tip.

The 32oz Bulk size comes in a disposable decorating/icing bag for easy dispensing.

To make glitter gel: Mix (by weight) 1 part glitter plus 4 parts glitter gel base.

Most of our glitters are suitable for mixing in a water-based formula EXCEPT: Holographic Glitter Stars or Hearts, Holographic Gold, Holographic Silver, Holographic Blue, Holographic Pink, Holographic Turquoise, Holographic Green, Holographic Rose Gold. These colors of glitter will dissolve in the base. To get a holographic effect, you can mix opaque glitter colors with other holographic glitters. This base can also be used for other cosmetic recipes.